Wednesday, March 26, 2008


Easter was interesting this year. Ethan loved dyeing eggs and was really good at it as well. He did not want to stop so I am thinking that next year we will do more. This year was also stake conference for us so it was hard to sit there for two hours telling a child that it is okay because he cannot go to nursery! He was really upset about that but got reminded that the Easter Bunny was coming to drop something off at the house! He was excited and when he saw his basket, he was even more excited! He told the Easter bunny thank you out loud so he could hear it because he was hiding and he couldn't see him. He got a Dr. Seuss DVD that is all done with puppets and candy, of course, and a new best friend named blue bunny. He also got that new outfit he is posing for me! He is so cute and just the sweetest, great kid. I can not believe how blessed I am to have this angel in my care! I just wish that he would stop growing up too fast!

1 comment:

Molly said...

Hey Crystal - looks like you guys had a fun easter too! You should check a new blog my sister and i started - it's a crafting blog -