Friday, November 2, 2007

Halloween Adventures

Well, Halloween came and gone without a hitch. The only real big deal is that instead of Mickey Mouse that Ethan originally wanted to be, he wanted to be Woody from Toy Story. That was all right with me because we basically had all the stuff to put together a Woody. He looked really cute and had tons of fun at the Church Carnival. Ethan had his first horse ride on my birthday which was the 26th, and afterwards he told me he wanted more and then he wanted a horse of his own! Little ones these days are just so smart, brave and just amazing! If anyone is interested. we have a picture of the Twin Falls Temple being almost done. It looks amazing and really pretty. You can even see it from the freeway.

1 comment:

Molly said...

We definately missed you guys at the ward trunk or treat! Ethan looks great in his costume!